Q&A — Creative outlet
By Christina Calloway PNT senior writer
[email protected]
Published: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013
Eastern New Mexico University music student John Lee Bonner’s senior recital is a requirement to obtain his bachelor of science in music, but he says music has played a much larger role in his life, serving as an outlet for his creativity. Bonner has been composing music for four years.
Aside from music, he loves to play with his pug Barton, baking, racquetball and graphic design.
Bonner, 25, answered questions about his area of expertise and why he does it.
What are your favorite genres of music? What is one genre that most people don't know you like?
I really have a fondness for choral music. There is something really special about people getting together and singing. To be honest, I don’t spend a whole lot of time listening to music. The time I do spend listening to music is usually reserved for score study or listening to works or composers I have never heard. When I do listen to non-classical music, I really love oldies, and not many people know that about me.
Is it rare for someone your age to compose music today? What drew you to it?
I don’t think it’s too rare but there are only a handful of student composers here at Eastern. Most university music programs offer degrees in musical composition, but I guess the true answer is, how many of these young composers have you met?
What is the hardest part of composing an original song?
I think the genesis of any composition is most difficult. Once momentum is built, it is easy for me to finish a piece. I often spend several hours composing in one sitting. Once the creative juices start flowing, I don’t want to interrupt them. These bursts of creativity, however, do not come very often. So for me, coming up with an idea is the hardest part of composing.
They always say you're your biggest critic. Other than yourself, who has been instrumental in perfecting your craft?
Dr. Mark DalPorto, (ENMU) professor of music theory and composition, has been wonderfully supportive of my work. I have had the honor to study with him for four years now (classroom and private lessons). He is very knowledgeable, extremely patient and a wonderful teacher.
Who are the top three composers of all time?
I’ll go with my favorites. My top three favorite composers would have to be Claudio Monteverdi, Eric Whitacre and Ralph Vaughan Williams, but this is a really hard question.
What is your go-to song on your iPod right now?
This is going to sound really nerdy but “Serenity, O Magnum Mysterium” performed by the Phoenix Chorale and composed by Ola Gjeilo. I recently discovered this composer and cannot stop listening to the Phoenix Chorale’s album of his choral works.
What did your parents want you to be when you grew up? How do they feel about your career choice?
I don’t think they cared; they just wanted me to be happy. I don’t think they ever imagined having a composer and conductor for a son, but now, they support what I do and encourage me to follow my dreams.
What instrument would you love to master that you have no experience playing and why?
I would love to play the cello. I think it has a very romantic sound.
If you could only play one song to express to the person you love how you feel, what would it be and why?
Well, that would depend on what they wanted to hear. If my love could play only one song for me, it would be “Il Bianco e Dolce Cigno” by Jacques Arcadelt. It is a wonderful renaissance madrigal that is simply gorgeous with an even prettier text.
What state or what country would you love to visit solely based on the music that comes from it?
I would choose Italy or Russia. Some of my favorite compositions are works from Italian composers written in the renaissance. I also love the Romantic composers from Russia.
from the Portales News-Tribune
[email protected]
Published: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013
Eastern New Mexico University music student John Lee Bonner’s senior recital is a requirement to obtain his bachelor of science in music, but he says music has played a much larger role in his life, serving as an outlet for his creativity. Bonner has been composing music for four years.
Aside from music, he loves to play with his pug Barton, baking, racquetball and graphic design.
Bonner, 25, answered questions about his area of expertise and why he does it.
What are your favorite genres of music? What is one genre that most people don't know you like?
I really have a fondness for choral music. There is something really special about people getting together and singing. To be honest, I don’t spend a whole lot of time listening to music. The time I do spend listening to music is usually reserved for score study or listening to works or composers I have never heard. When I do listen to non-classical music, I really love oldies, and not many people know that about me.
Is it rare for someone your age to compose music today? What drew you to it?
I don’t think it’s too rare but there are only a handful of student composers here at Eastern. Most university music programs offer degrees in musical composition, but I guess the true answer is, how many of these young composers have you met?
What is the hardest part of composing an original song?
I think the genesis of any composition is most difficult. Once momentum is built, it is easy for me to finish a piece. I often spend several hours composing in one sitting. Once the creative juices start flowing, I don’t want to interrupt them. These bursts of creativity, however, do not come very often. So for me, coming up with an idea is the hardest part of composing.
They always say you're your biggest critic. Other than yourself, who has been instrumental in perfecting your craft?
Dr. Mark DalPorto, (ENMU) professor of music theory and composition, has been wonderfully supportive of my work. I have had the honor to study with him for four years now (classroom and private lessons). He is very knowledgeable, extremely patient and a wonderful teacher.
Who are the top three composers of all time?
I’ll go with my favorites. My top three favorite composers would have to be Claudio Monteverdi, Eric Whitacre and Ralph Vaughan Williams, but this is a really hard question.
What is your go-to song on your iPod right now?
This is going to sound really nerdy but “Serenity, O Magnum Mysterium” performed by the Phoenix Chorale and composed by Ola Gjeilo. I recently discovered this composer and cannot stop listening to the Phoenix Chorale’s album of his choral works.
What did your parents want you to be when you grew up? How do they feel about your career choice?
I don’t think they cared; they just wanted me to be happy. I don’t think they ever imagined having a composer and conductor for a son, but now, they support what I do and encourage me to follow my dreams.
What instrument would you love to master that you have no experience playing and why?
I would love to play the cello. I think it has a very romantic sound.
If you could only play one song to express to the person you love how you feel, what would it be and why?
Well, that would depend on what they wanted to hear. If my love could play only one song for me, it would be “Il Bianco e Dolce Cigno” by Jacques Arcadelt. It is a wonderful renaissance madrigal that is simply gorgeous with an even prettier text.
What state or what country would you love to visit solely based on the music that comes from it?
I would choose Italy or Russia. Some of my favorite compositions are works from Italian composers written in the renaissance. I also love the Romantic composers from Russia.
from the Portales News-Tribune