Summer has been quite the experience! I have spent the last two and a half months working at the local grocery store and getting ready for the big move! In addition, to working, I took the last class required for my degree... and passed! So I am officially finished! I cannot believe it!
After an incredibly amazing five year journey to New Mexico, I will cross the state line and head back to my home state. (And I am so excited to be back in the Lone Star State!) Looking back, I cannot believe what all has happened in the last five years: I moved 10 hours away from home, I began and finished a degree, I worked as an RA, I helped start a chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, I became a fraternity president for two years, I made and lost some great friends, I traveled all over New Mexico, to New York , to Washington, D.C., I performed in a lot of great places, I sang a lot of notes, I conducted the local community orchestra, I led rehearsals and sectionals and conducted at one of the concerts, I had a recital... so much! SO MUCH! I've had so much support and I am so grateful for all of the people who have helped get me to where I am. So as I continue to the next leg of my journey, I am reminiscent and so appreciative of all of the good (and bad!) experiences thus far. So as the summer closes, and a new school year begins, I happy that I am registered for classes, have all of my financial aid business taken care of, and I've even started packing... and I am usually a procrastinator (I work well under pressure). So now, the goal is to find a place to live... as soon as that's solidified, I will only have to finish packing and actually move. I am excited to work with the choirs at West Texas A&M--and to study with Dr. Pullen. There is a lot to do in the next few weeks... and before
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I cannot believe how fast these last couple of months have gone by! It seems like just yesterday that March was knocking at the door, and now, we're almost half way through May! School has finally come to an end, and the daily grind has definitely settled down. My parents and sister just left town today after coming to Portales for graduation weekend. We had a really lovely visit and it was so nice to have them here on my special day. After graduation, we went to Canyon so that hey could see the campus and the town. After driving through the town, we went to Palo Duro Canyon State Park and drove through the canyon. I have been so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. I have some of the most sincere, generous, and nicest friends a man could ask for. So many people have sacrificed and given so much for me to have come this far. I am truly fortunate. Overall, it has been a GREAT past few weeks. I am looking forward to sleeping in and having free time to write some music and finish some projects. I am sure I will be posting some previews soon!
I have had the absolute pleasure of having a wonderful friend and colleague, Mr. Franklin Piland, since I moved to Portales. Franklin has inspired me to be a better musician and overall better person. This past week, we recorded and performed his latest SATB composition, "The Road". I am honored to have been included in several performances and recordings of his choral and wind band compositions. Remember his name, because he is the next big name. In addition, Sam Reese, a great musician and writer, has also been a wonderful friend and colleague. We have been roommates, gone on several tours together, and made great memories throughout the years. Together, they teamed up and created "The Road". Enjoy "The Road". I got official word today! I will be attending West Texas A&M University in the fall to study choral conducting! Looks like I will be moving back to Texas!
I had a wonderful time singing with the combined choirs from ENMU and WTAMU and the WTAMU Symphony Orchestra. We had two wonderful performances of Mozart's Requiem. It was great to have an opportunity to collaborate with such great musicians and conductors.
As I mentioned, in the previous post, I have started on a large work--a requiem. I am really excited. I have some small sketches on a few movements. As of now, it is a cappella... going back to the roots of medieval and renaissance masses. However, the harmonies are not so traditional... I think it will be a nice blend of old and new, and I think April has been very busy! Our performance of the Mozart Requiem is soon approaching (10 days!) and I have been very busy getting ready. I thought life might slow down after my recital, but things are picking up more and more. I just spent the last weekend in Abilene, Texas with the brothers of the Theta Lambda Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha. It was a really nice break from reality and they were wonderfully hospitable. It's always nice to get a break from Portales. Other than that, school is going well--I have several projects for my science classes (since I am essentially a science major this semester) that are keeping me busy. I am excited to have had a little bit of time to work on some sketches lately--there is possibly a large work in progress. After spending so much time with liturgical texts, I think it is headed in the direction of a mass, possibly a requiem. I am so excited for graduation and to have time to write. Hopefully I will get some more work done on this mass and my musical
Thank you to Sam Roberts Photography and RJ Photography for pictures!
Welcome to! I am busy busy busy with school... 54 more days until graduation! I am still on cloud nine after my recital just a little over a week ago. A few of my works were performed by some very talented friends and colleagues. As the semester is coming to an end, I am busy finishing some projects and papers as well as preparing for some upcoming auditions. I am working on expanding my brass quintet piece (Orpheus and Eurydice) into an arrangement for wind band and I've had a few ideas for some new works. I will be posting videos from my recital soon, so
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